Trapped In Pixel World
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- November 14, 2020 by Quick Vision Games1#plathformer, #story, #storyrich, #pixel art, #High Quality character, #Adventure, #devlog, #devlog 2, #YouTube, #YouTube Devlog, #YouTube Devlog Video, #Devlog Video, #UpdateHey Everyone so this is devlog number 2 of my game "Trapped In Pixel World" which I am currently working. So this devlog is telling you that I have made a YouTube devlog video on my channel "Gaming Tu... Continue reading
- November 09, 2020 by Quick Vision Games1#Game, #Platformer, #Trapped In Pixel World, #Trapped, #Pixel, #World, #Story, #Real, #Pixel World, #Announcement, #Trapped in World, #Adventure, #Enemies, #Bosses, #CombatHello World, So I recently started making a games which is call " Trapped In Pixel World ", the main concept of the game is that You a High Quality game asset/character trapped in a pixelated world. Y... Continue reading